Wednesday 17 December 2014

Stay Grateful, Be Happy!

Are you willing to live a happy life? Well, the reality is that everyone wants to live a happy life, but no body wants to be grateful. Why do we refrain from being grateful despite knowing the fact that to attract abundance, you need to be grateful.

Let's try to understand the power of gratitude:

Gratitude is a virtue of feeling good. If we ever plan to bifurcate the word Gratitude, it comes to be Gr-attitude, meaning Great Attitude & why is it so? The simplest & obvious reason is that Great Attitude is all about feeling good, feeling happy & feeling that you have received all that you want. We all know that everyone loves a smiling & a happy face & we see it around us, in the Universe.

Universe always continues to provide us with all that it has, all the good things, like the Sun giving us Light & Heat, the rivers giving us water, the trees giving us flowers or fruits & despite giving us so many treasures daily, they never seem to show attitude & see what happens to them, they keep growing & blossoming.

The world is all about being happy & sharing happiness. Happiness comes from Gratitude, because a sorb thought or attitude can never bring in a smile, let alone happiness.

The other big factor is that when you are being grateful, don't try to speak it out to others in a boasting manner that I grateful today or tomorrow for this or that. Feel it to yourself & yes, if you ever help anyone, do it with gratitude, never talk or boast about it & you will have more abundance to follow.


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