Republished from The Secret

A friend introduced me to The Secret two years ago and reading the book honestly did make me feel better. I’ve since then tried to correct myself anytime I begin to allow my thoughts to turn negative.
When I was pregnant with my first child I badly wanted a girl and so began to believe and know that what stirred in my tummy was my baby girl. Her name was picked before we even confirmed the gender. I tried to think of boy names but could never settle on one because it just felt unnatural. Why am I picking a boys name for a girl?
And so in 2014 our daughter was born.
And so began a habit of asking the universe for small things anytime I began to feel low emotionally. Just as a reminder that I controlled what happened to me. One day I randomly asked for a penny. No need to concentrate too hard. The penny will come.
A week later in Dunkin Donuts I pulled out my wallet and a lone rather dirty penny fell to the floor. Ew! It was all grimy and on a NYC store floor! I left it, completely forgetting my request!
Two days later while at work I pulled out my Nook tablet and flipped the cover. A bright, shiny penny tumbled onto the desk loudly!. I stared at it. I sat down and really thought about what I had asked. I asked for a penny. I never clarified from where or how. But since I ignored the first one for it’s appearance, it seems the Universe replied by cleaning it up for me this time. I marked the penny with a green sharpie so I would not spend my gift.
A week later, once again at work, I busied myself through out the day ignoring my surroundings, focused on the clock reaching the end of my shift. Upon returning from my lunch break I noticed something that was there all along. One lone penny sat on the vacant computer desktop right next to me! Once again , shiny and bright. My day lightened.
Seeing that penny made me feel beyond positive about everything around me. It was the reminder I asked for. One small request to remind me that I can control what happens to me.
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