Republished from
The Secret

My story starts a year ago when I first read The Secret. I was studying at university, slobbing around my house, spending what little money I had on weed, not doing anything with the amazing opportunity I had right in front of me. Knowing full well that there were people out there dying for the education and talents that I had! I was stuck in a negative cycle, only ever focusing on what I didn’t want. Convincing myself that life is something you have to just get through and good things were handed to lucky people! I would go to campus, look at all the girls and think “She’s so pretty but I could never be like that”, “She’s got a flashy car and always goes on luxurious holidays, but her parents must have given her the money, my parents have no money!” and “I can’t go to that party, no one will like me because I’m useless at socializing, they will think I’m weird and they’re only ever interested in my friends!”. I had been diagnosed with depression, OCD and Trichotillomania, an awful addiction to pulling out my own hair. Things were not good and I was only 22!
After reading The Secret my mind literally did a 180! It seems silly to me that I used to think this way. I fell in love with the law of attraction because it was the first time in my life that I had broken down the wall I had built in my mind between me and the ‘lucky’ people. Suddenly, having £1,000,000, a perfect body and the house of my dreams wasn’t just a dream! It could be reality. All those things I had been ‘diagnosed’ with were all just part of my toxic mental state.
I’m not going to lie, I didn’t really get the law of attraction to begin with. After graduating and moving back to London I found that I was jobless, not knowing what I wanted to do with my life and struggling financially. I would ask the universe for money, holidays, a car and an apartment of my own but nothing came. I developed an unhealthy obsession with the lottery and would get so depressed every time I didn’t win. I was angry and I couldn’t understand why The Secret was working for everyone posting stories on The Secret website but not for me!
I managed to get myself a two month contract as a runner at a TV production company. I soon found the industry I wanted to be in, but I knew it was very competitive to move up into a more established role, not to mention there is not much stability in TV production as you are only ever contracted for a few months. It all seemed ok, but not perfect. My contract ended and I was back at square one. The new year came around and I wrote myself a list of goals I wanted to achieve by the end of the year. Being permanently employed was on the top of my list, it was my number one dream.
I bought myself The Power and suddenly it became clear why nothing had worked out for me. I had not learned to love the life I already had. I had not been truly grateful for my amazing home, my loving parents, all the yummy food I was eating on a daily basis, my friends, my boyfriend and all the luxurious things I got to experience. I was too busy focusing on the fact I had no job and no money to realize that I was still living a life of abundance and it’s just that these gifts were coming into my life in unconventional ways. I should have been thanking the Universe every day for living rent free in my parents house in London when others were struggling. I should of been so thankful that I was still able to go out and have fun because my amazing friends would pay for me! These are just two of many examples.
Soon after, a friend got in contact with me that I had not spoken to in years. She called me to say that she was working for a recruitment agency and they specialized in advertising, media and other really cool industries that I was interested in and she would love to put me on their books to send me out to do some temping work. Over the next two months I was working as a receptionist and other assisting roles at really amazing companies that I had admired all of my life. Nothing was permanent but I had found that I was really good at these jobs. I learned to use my OCD in a positive way by applying it to my work. Every manager I worked for loved me because I was so organized and efficient. I got over my social anxieties and I learned to be the life and soul of the party!
It got me thinking that I would be a really good personal assistant to a head of a company. A TV Production was my dream! I started applying for permanent receptionist jobs that included various admin duties. Not exciting but I just wanted a job. I was turned down from every single place, I was even fired from my last temp job! Even though I was totally over qualified to do these jobs, it didn’t get me down. I was thanking the Universe all the time in my head for my perfect life and I felt so content and happy with myself.
My friend from the agency called me up and said she had one last interview for me. It was a personal assistant role for the CEO at one of the world’s leading special effects and production companies. They make all the cool CGI and special effects for Hollywood films.
I went to the interview and I got it!
My journey has been turbulent to say the least and I still have a long way to go. But my story shows that if you open your eyes to the good, the bad will not exist! The universe pulled me away from those bad jobs because it knew my perfect job was coming. Life is literally what you think of it and don’t ever forget it! Always keep the faith, not matter how tough things get! I couldn’t be happier now.