Sunday 14 September 2014

How to Use Switchwords to Enhance Your Life Experience

This is a republished article from WikiHow.

Switchwords are powerful poignant words used to connect directly to the subconscious mind, giving it direction for drawing the essence of the Switchword to you. The more a Switchword is repeated, the more it affects your energy. The more it affects your energy, the more you draw the experience, condition or response the Switchword represents to you.

Use Switchwords to help find abundance, bring love, find lost articles, enhance relationships, center attention on you, become a good orator, enhance your learning skills, connect to your creativity, get transportation, etc.

Some Switchwords you may find very useful include:

REACH – find lost objects; reach solutions for problems; remember forgotten information

TOGETHER – master any activity; have it all together; become single-minded

BE - be at peace and in good health; to be unaffected by ridicule

ACT - be a good orator

PEACE – quell panic; reclaim stability; cease hostilities

DivineORDER – organize; be efficient; clean up a mess; put in optimum order

GIGGLE - get in the mood for writing; enjoy the task at hand

1. Set your intention. What do you want?

2 Find a Switchword that represents what you want. Want to present yourself well? ACT is your Switchword.

3 Say the Switchword. (ACT.)

4 Let go of need, go on about your day and allow the experience to come to you.

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