Monday 12 January 2015

ASK ALI: Stay positive to help you stick with resolutions

Re-published from

Happy New Year!

What resolutions did you make? Are they realistic or are they overwhelming? How are you going to keep those resolutions for the next 365 days? Do you have a plan?
Here are some ideas to help you stay on track. New Year’s resolutions are about changing habits. There are areas of your life that you are uncomfortable with and you want to make some changes.
In the beginning it is easy to stay focused on your resolutions because of your excitement and enthusiasm, but eventually that starts to dwindle and then what?
Remember, you have made a promise to yourself to improve your life. Write those resolutions down and post them everywhere. Post them in your car, on your bathroom mirror, on your refrigerator, anywhere you can see what you promised yourself. Write the resolution in a positive, motivating way so when you look at it you feel inspired.
Remember that you matter. You matter to your family, you matter to your friends and, most importantly, you matter to you. If you don’t believe that, then make a resolution to tell yourself that you matter.
Remember that your resolutions are for you to improve your life and only you can make — and keep — those promises. Resolutions are really lifestyle changes. When you follow through for a whole year, they become a permanent habit and your life will change. Be committed, stay strong and get support.
Hopefully your friends and family are on board with what you’ve resolved and they are behind you 100 percent. Avoid the naysayers who are not supportive because they are not committed to you and your progress. You can do this if you are committed, so stay committed.
Stay positive and mentally strong. You can do it!

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