Saturday 26 July 2014

Appreciation is the key!

How do you feel when you are appreciated? Well, the ofcourse answer is Good & you wish to do things with much more enthusiasm & be the best. It's the same way, with others as well. When you appreciate the other person or are appreciative of the work they do, they feel good & ensure that all good things are done by them.

It is the same way with the Universe as well. When you are appreciative of what is around you, no matter who small it may seem. It wishes to fill your life with it because it makes you happy. So it may be as small as a parking space to as big as meal, if you are appreciative of it, good things will quantify. Let's take the Universe as your obedient servant, which is always standing right next to you, ready to take down orders from you, so if you are sad or in agony or feeling bad, it feels that is what you want & it serves you more of it. In the same manner, if you change the orders that you are giving it with words of appreciation, it will note that down & give you exactly what you want.

Appreciation might sound weird to some people, saying that in this problematic world, how can you appreciate things, but if you continue to look for the good amongst the bad situations, it will never fail to deliver you the best things that you would want. Appreciation emits a very positive that says, I am happy, I am good, I feel great & the loyal servant believes what you want & delivers it to you quantified. So, ensure that you continue to think positive & be appreciative of the things around you & thy shall be served.

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