Sunday 20 July 2014

It's about living, not cribbing

Have you become a cry baby as of late, well the reality is that you shouldn't be a cry baby, because the essence of life depends on living, not cribbing. Crying over and about your problems is not the solution to anything or any situation in life. Instead, the essence of life is in living, living the life you have always dreamed of, living it to the fullest, living it with enthusiasm, living it with the power, the zeal of life, living it in such a manner that we feel proud & happy of every moment that we have lived until now & shall live from here on. It is about the kind of life we want to live not about the kind of life that anyone else has dreamed for us.

We live in a world where there are problems around us, but believe me they work as a catalyst for us to choose the best & the right thing for us. Our life is dependent on the way we take our life, not on how once perceives it to be. We are all energy, an energy magnet & packet. We all have so much energy in ourselves that we can enlighten the whole world with our positive energy & our positive approach, so every split second think the best that we want from ourselves and always the positive thing only. Every time you feel bad or are in a negative mood, ask yourselves

And you will always like to choose the right path, the path that takes you towards happiness, towards abundance, towards your dreams, towards the life that you dreamed for yourself. So from this moment say this to yourself, out loud,

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