Sunday 20 July 2014

Ask it, Believe It & Receive it

Remember those early days in life, when you were a kid & you used to ask something from your parents, then forget about it & you used to receive the gift. It is the same with the universe. If you consider the Universe as the most powerful & rewarding father of your life & the one that has the most powerful ability to gift you things in an instant, you would not be surprised by the power that it has. It can always gift you the thing you ask for in a split second, provided you are on the frequency to receive it.

When you get in the mode of RECEIVING things, not because you think you should receive it, but because you feel a deep sense of GRATITUDE for it, things begin to change. It is this feeling of Ready to Receive or should I say that you believe that you already received it & you feel the same in the most GRATEFUL way, believe me that things begin to change for the best. All positive things start to happen, all good things start making their way into your life, when you start believing that you have it all, when you don't feel that you are ready to receive, instead you get into the feeling frequency that you have already received it that things start to take shape, that things start to change for the best. So as you reach the end of the blog, in a loud & powerful voice, with all the belief speak these words out.


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