Saturday 15 November 2014

Train Your Subconscious Mind

Re-published from 28 Magical Practices

Train Your Subconscious Mind
Your subconscious mind has enormous power that can be used to overcome many of the barriers to improving your life. For many people the subconscious is just a sleeping giant. However, once you learn how to train your subconscious it can become your best friend. It can help you solve problems and increase your personal empowerment.
The subconscious part of your mind is a very mysterious creature. You notice I said mindand not brain. No one really knows the exact nature of the subconscious mind. Maybe it resides entirely within your brain, maybe not. However, through trial and error, I have uncovered some of its mysteries. These mysteries are revealed in the topics of this chapter.
Here are the topics:

Nature of the subconscious mind
How beliefs affect your life
Skill #1: Solving problems
Skill #2: Instilling new beliefs
Skill #3: Visualizing your achievements

This material is based on my breakthrough revelations, insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
This chapter describes the main ways you can train your subconscious mind to help you in life. However, it probably is best to start with making small changes at first. If these methods work for you then you can go on to bigger and better changes.

Your subconscious mind can help you attain the kind of life you want. This assumes that you have the required abilities and resources, and are willing to put forth the required efforts. This usually means that you will make progress in easy steps, with each successive step building on the results of the previous steps.
This chapter discusses the three main skills you can develop in your own subconscious mind.
The solving problems skill encourages your subconscious mind to solve various types of problems.
The instilling new beliefs skill is used to change your attitudes and beliefs about your possibilities in life.
The visualizing your achievements skill is used to focus your attention on a particular goal you want to achieve.

Nature of the subconscious mind
The human brain has two separate minds: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. These two minds have very different purposes. For example, let’s see what happens when you open your eyes in the morning. Using your conscious mind, you can observe your surroundings with little or no effort. Meanwhile, your subconscious mind is performing an incredible amount of work. It uses the electrical signals from the optic nerve, together with previously stored information, to resolve these electrical signals into various objects. Then it sends these images, together with any related emotions, to your conscious mind. Your conscious mind, which is not aware of this activity of the subconscious mind, simply receives these images and any related emotions.
“What’s the big deal?” you may ask. I’ll show you. I’m going to blindfold you and then hand you a bundle of wires. Now using only the electrical signals from this bundle of wires try to identify the objects in front of you. While we’re at it, tell me if any of these objects are dangerous or remind you of significant experiences. Can’t do it, can you?
All I want you to understand right now is that your subconscious mind has fantastic abilities, which it performs mostly in secret.

How beliefs affect your life
As you go through life, your subconscious mind accumulates various attitudes, beliefs, and traits. These things (your belief system) determine how you react to the world around you. They determine whether you see danger or opportunity. They determine whether you should be happy or sad. They determine what type of goals you should try for, or whether you should try for any goals.
The beliefs held in your subconscious mind determine how your brain interprets the world around you, and your ability to achieve success in it. Thus, if you believe that a certain goal isn’t possible for you, then you probably won’t even try for it. So, if you want to know the nature of your own beliefs, just look around at your surroundings. These surroundings are determined by your beliefs. Do you live in a mansion and drive a fancy car? Unless you inherited your money, your beliefs are very empowering. As for any other type of surroundings, well they just reflect your current beliefs. (Did you notice that I said yourcurrent beliefs?)
Before receiving my revelations, I often wondered why people with the same education, intelligence, and (apparent) ambition achieve such different results in life. Some factors might have affected some of these achievers. They might have received help from influential friends or family members. They might have stumbled onto an opportunity and taken advantage of it. Maybe they were just lucky, good looking, or had some secret driving force.
After receiving my revelations, I vote for the secret driving force. I think this secret driving force of achievers is their empowering beliefs. They believe that they are entitled to success in life and that they have the abilities to achieve success.

Skill #1: Solving problems
By trial and error, I discovered the following procedure for solving problems using my subconscious mind:
  1. Carefully review a written statement of the problem for several minutes.
  2. Expect your subconscious mind to solve the problem.
  3. Sleep on the problem. Don’t be concerned about it any more.
  4. When a possible solution to the problem pops into your conscious mind, try it.
These steps show your subconscious mind that you are serious about getting the problem solved.
Later on, I discovered that my subconscious mind also could help with my writing. If I had a writing problem, such as trying to explain some difficult concepts, the same procedure worked. I would review the writing that needed fixing, think about the problem for a while, expect a solution from my subconscious, sleep on it, and then the answer would pop into my conscious mind in a day or two.
I also discovered that I couldn’t force this procedure. I couldn’t just ask my subconscious mind to start writing. It apparently wanted me to do something to show that I was serious about the writing project. I had to take the first step. I had to start writing regardless of how crude my efforts were. Then I would review what I have written and expect my subconscious mind to clean things up and expand on my writings, which it did.
Using yoursubconscious mind to help you is one of my favorite success secrets. This of course presumes that you have started to train your subconscious and it is giving you good results.
Another variation on this method is deciding among various alternatives. Here is the procedure:
  1. Summarize the overall situation, the alternatives, and their related pros and cons.
  2. Carefully review the situation, the alternatives, and their respective pros and cons.
  3. Expect your subconscious mind to determine the best choice.
  4. Ignore the situation for several days so your subconscious mind can mull things over.
  5. Try out any reasonable solution that pops into your conscious mind.
The more often you use your subconscious to solve problems, the better and faster will be the results.

Skill #2: Instilling new beliefs
One day I received a burst of energy for no apparent reason. This was the “kick in the pants” I needed to get going on this Magic Success Secrets project. I had already learned about various ways to instill new beliefs into my subconscious mind prior to this event. I’m kind of a lazy person so I created a visualization exercise to give myself a kick in the pants whenever needed. See the link to Summon Bursts of Energy below.
Thus, I now had two uses for my subconscious mind. I could use it to solve problems and I could instill new beliefs into it.
See the Develop Empowering Beliefs chapter for various ways to implant new beliefs into your subconscious mind.

Skill #3: Visualizing your achievements
This is the last skill I learned to use. This exercise uses your subconscious mind to help achieve your current goal. Your subconscious mind can be a powerful tool for making improvements in your life. However, you may have to do a little training first.
One of the best ways for training your subconscious mind is doing repeated visualizations. This visualization (described below) implants a new belief in your mind. The belief is that you achieve your goal, and this achievement brings you great satisfaction.
A visualization is a guided daydream. You decide what is to happen and then you see it played out inside your mind. As this daydream unfolds, allow yourself to feel the excitement and pleasure of the activities involved in achieving your current goal. The repetition of this visualization, along with your intense feelings, helps condition your mind to accept this new reality.
You first need to create scenes to use for the visualization. These scenes should show you working on your current goal, achieving the goal, and enjoying its benefits. (Note: this is one reason to choose goals that give you excitement and pleasure.) The more details and intense feelings you can think of the better.
You can either write these scenes down on a piece of paper or just remember them.
Now close your eyes and go into the visualization. See the actions, feel the emotions. Let yourself laugh or smile if appropriate. Continue with this visualization for several minutes.
This exercise should help you to keep working toward your goal. It should also help your subconscious mind believe that you are capable of achieving the goal.
Repeat this visualization three times a day for two weeks. Then use it once a day until the idea of achieving your goal and having a better life feels normal.
You also can use this exercise whenever you have bogged down or lost interest in working toward your goal.

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