Tuesday 14 April 2015

Everything I asked for The Universe Delivered!!!

Re-published from TheSecret.Tv

Images are my own choice!

As the end of University approached, things in my life started to go wrong. I felt constantly stressed about the future, everything from finding a job and where I would live, to my relationship. As we all know, we often take things out on those closest to us. And that person happened to be my boyfriend.

An additional stress was that he was going abroad for six months. He'd always planned to work a semester in Hong Kong but I always expected we would stay together. But probably as a result of all my stress and negativity, he broke up with me the day before he left.

I was devastated. Suddenly I had gone from having the best time, enjoying my studies, living with friends and with a great boyfriend, to moving back in with my mum, being alone and with no purpose to my life. Everything had ended all at once and I felt lost at sea. I didn't know which way was up and I spent days lying on the sofa watching mind numbing, day time TV and feeling a horrendous mixture of fear, sadness and hopelessness.

Then I saw someone reading The Secret on the train. For some inexplicable reason I Googled it. The search engine bought up The Secret film which I immediately watched and suddenly things started to make a bit more sense. Perhaps I had unknowingly bought this situation on myself, but even better I could turn it around.

I asked the universe for many things. To find a challenging career with the potential to earn lots of money. To move to London and live completely independently. I also asked for my boyfriend back.

Deep down I always felt that he was the one, but before we got back together I knew I had to be fulfilled within myself. I didn't want him to fill a gap. I wanted him there as an addition to my happiness rather than a requirement for it.

After I had asked, I couldn't help but feel positive. Everything about The Secret makes sense, so I felt sure that something would come of it.

Well I asked and I got!

I now live in South London in a beautiful house that I pay the rent for. I depend on only myself but I have a great family, four lovely house mates and lots of friends around me. I have a job in recruitment which is definitely challenging but in a good way and there's so much potential to earn a good income from it.

The icing on the cake is that my boyfriend came home from Hong Kong last week and we are now back together. He says he cannot see us breaking up ever again and the time apart has made him sure that we are right together.

Everything I asked for the universe delivered and I am so happy and grateful.

About A.V from London England:
British. Graduate in English lit, living in London.

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