Tuesday 28 April 2015

Questions Answered...What a Wonderful Gift... Thank You...

Republished from TheSecret
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By Jeff
from Southern New Jersey
My life, for the most part, has been very good. I grew up in a loving and supporting family. I grew up in a nice neighborhood, went to a good high school, went to college and got a job. I should have been very grateful but I was unaware of The Secret and the power of gratitude, the power of love and the fact that abundance is available to all. I took life for granted.
At this point, after years in a mediocre job, I fell into a rut. I woke up, went to work, came home, went to bed, woke up, went to work, etc. That rut had festered negative thoughts. Once the negativity started it steam rolled over my life. I got a new job thinking this would help, but little did I know without changing my thinking, this wouldn�t help. And it didn�t. The debt piled up, I started drinking and my relationships didn�t matter to me anymore. I didn�t go to family holidays; I was overpowering people in my life. I gained weight which created a self loathing (I have always been in somewhat decent shape). My life was a mess.
I guess from previous experiences (now that I am aware of The Secret I can see how it worked in my life previously) my mind was subconsciously aware of The Secret and positive thought. By chance, or so I thought, I was reunited with a girl I dated briefly in high school. She was, and still is, my angel. My thought process changed, however not being fully aware of The Secret it brought me back to where I was before. I lost weight and eventually stopped drinking. I thank her every day for the gift she has given me�she is wonderful. Again, I was still not aware of The Secret and my life had good days and bad days. The bad days were mostly due to financial burdens. I still felt something was missing.
One Sunday we woke up and we both went to church. It was really weird; we both woke up thinking we wanted to go church. We were both raised as Catholics, going to church every day as children. But as adults and before we were reunited we fell away from the Church and explored, by reading, different religions and thoughts on spirituality. Again, weird, but we both came to the same conclusion on God. That he was everywhere�again this all happened before we were reunited. Without another venue we continued going to church each week and praying on our own.
For quite some time she had been requesting for me to read The Secret as she knew that it coincided with my beliefs. My answer was always the same �I know all that stuff.� Well, one day I was driving her to a doctor�s appointment and she asked if I wouldn�t mind if she played her Secret cd�s because they kept her calm. I agreed and I can�t explain what happened. It was like I was punched in the face. Even though I came to my own conclusions by reading multiple books, this cd was saying��hey dummy these are the answers that are still nagging at you�what took you so long to listen?� I couldn�t get enough. I didn�t touch her copy of The Secret because I needed my own�I needed to make notes, highlight sections (I ended up going through a LOT of highlighters). I bought The Power and The Secret DVD. I downloaded the free gifts from Ms Byrne�s website. The more I read the more answers I received. And the questions, to me, were extremely difficult. They were not answered by any other books I read. I didn�t even know what the questions were but I knew there was still something that was missing�and here it was right in front of me. The relief was overwhelming. The gratitude for the answers was overwhelming. I was grateful for just becoming �aware�. It seems she had helped me again�she was trying to help all along but I wouldn�t read the book.
I still had huge amounts of debt (serious debt) and financial insecurity but now I was aware. Now instead of clawing and fighting I dropped my tough guy persona and let love and gratitude take over my life. I knew what life was�it was simple�either be positive or negative. I meditated on making myself become the �master of my thoughts�. It took time and practice but it was not work�it was tiring but it was a pleasure. I was not worried about anything�I was truly happy. I caught myself smiling throughout the day. I remembered to ask myself how I felt. I used the vision boards, I used the gratitude rocks, I said thank you constantly. I didn�t fight the system nor did I hold ill will towards those who wanted to collect debt�I KNEW abundance was everywhere. I thanked, and still do, God/Universe every day for my wealth.
After only a couple of months I won the lottery. Thank you Rhonda (and others who helped) for sharing The Secret, for answering questions that were nagging at me. Even before winning the lottery I was truly thankful...my life had changed. I was, and still am, truly happy. I feel great. I sleep at night without help�I am the master of my thoughts. I have love, gratitude and tranquillity in my life�every day is just another great day. Full of energy, full of love, full of gratitude�FULL OF LIFE. That is a wonderful gift, THANK YOU. And thank you my Angel for everything.

About Jeff from Southern New Jersey:
Jeff from Southern New Jersey.

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