Sunday 5 July 2015

Holding On To Faith And Got My Money Back!

Like most people after Xmas, my bank account was not looking particularly healthy. So when a direct debit had left my account by mistake for £70 for a gym membership that I cancelled in December, I was concerned.
As soon as I found this out, I got down on my knees and prayed for a speedy magnificent outcome to my experience.
My first instinct after this was to start calling up the bank and gym to claw my money back, but I took a deep breath and said “DeeDee, you’re not going to do anything until you’ve done your Magic Practice (I am on day 4), counted your blessings and had some breakfast”, which is what I did.
I spoke to the bank and everything went smoothly and they are refunding my money not in 1 week or 2 weeks but today!
I almost burst out crying on the phone.
The lady on the other end even asked me if I was going to be OK for money for the rest of the day which I thought was so lovely.
I am just amazed that out of all the possible outcomes i.e. having to fill out a form, being passed around to different departments or having to go to the bank in person, I received the most straightforward, easiest and pain free resolution.
My story may seem like a small thing but my struggles in 2014 have taught to be appreciative of everything!
Thank you for all of you who share your stories here daily, it really uplifts me! And thank you again Rhonda and team.
Have a beautiful day!

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