Wednesday 30 March 2016

Manifesting My Dream!

Republished from The Secret

I am deeply thankful to Rhonda and her team for sharing this wonderful Secret to the world. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
I stumbled upon The Secret in 2010 although I don’t exactly remember how. I’d like to believe that I somehow attracted it at that point of time. I read the book and forgot all about it until recently when I came across it again.
I had a challenging past and after the passing away of my mother, I found it extremely hard to regain my balance. My relationships started failing, I hated socializing, I hated to do anything that would make me cheerful as I blamed and held myself responsible for not being fortunate to spend enough time with my mother. I had extreme control over my emotional state and nobody even knew the kind of turmoil I had been through and anybody would think that I was a normal person. But over time, these emotions would just erupt and cause havoc in my life. My grades were affected, my friends ignored and left me and I lost interest in everything. I ate twice the usual amount and gained weight. I felt that people came in my life only to hurt me and leave me at my most vulnerable situation of loneliness.
One day I decided that enough was enough and I had to start to value myself first. I came across The Secret again and I watched the movie back to back many times, sufficient enough for me to get the message. My perspective entirely changed!
I began to see people and situations in a different light and I am grateful for having a wonderful life. I also started practicing LOA to manifest things that I desired and I sincerely believe that the Universe takes care of our deepest desires. My career improved and I manifested an amazing offer which involved financial assistance along with a degree which was exactly what I wanted from the Universe! I am marching my way up ahead in my career and I am now looking forward to attracting wealth, a relationship and a wide opportunity to travel around the world doing the things that I love!
Once again, I would like to extend my gratitude to the authors behind the motivational Stories which helped me over time to uplift myself as an individual. I believe we hold the infinite power within us and it is our choice to exhibit it to the world.
Magic Dust to all! Loads of love! Peace!

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