Monday 19 October 2015

What you feel resonates

Written by Amit Shukla

How are you feeling? 

Well, this is the moat commonly asked question as it tells about your thoughts & your mindset at any given point of time. We as humans have this great power of feeling, of senses & the power to express ourselves. No other medium in the universe has this power, but are we making the most of it?

Now that is a question that we all need to ask ourselves because ironically we are using it but to create a life or a world around us of things that we don't want. Isn't it funny that we are using this great power not to our advantage but for the reverse.

We keep thinking of what we don't want & we wonder why it shows up? How about if we could change it?

Isn't it true that if this amazing power gifted to us can be used rightly, the results could be amazing.. You bet, they will.... Most people believe that what they think will become reality, but they need to understand that let alone thinking can't do any difference, because it requires a catalyst to boost itself & that catalyst is feeling. It's what you feel that does the trick.

So next time when you start thinking, also keep a note of how you are feeling because if it makes you happy, then it will bring in more great moments to smile back to you unless you want to live a sad life.

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