Saturday 12 December 2015

The World Took Away But The Universe Gave Much More!

Republished from The Secret

I will try keep it short.
This is my 4th story on here and I get excited every time I post here! Another thing manifested on my list.
On Monday 18/05/2015, the lady who handles my salary came to me to tell me that they will deduct R 2000 from my salary because they had made a mistake in the previous month, paying me double.
I will be honest, when I heard the news, I was devastated and concerned because that will mean I will have to go into my savings to pay certain things.
I quickly got off the negative vibration and said I forgive them for making a mistake, they are only human, I also trust that my money will be replaced and I will not have to use my savings.
I pretended as if I handed an invisible “problem file” to God/the universe and I let it go, and thanked the universe for taking care of the “file” I handed over.
Two days later, I get a call from my bank and they said they would be giving me
R 3000 for being with them!
Oh, and the Saturday before I had lovingly given my cousin some money to go on a school trip.

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