Sunday 17 January 2016

Hidden Lesson

Republished from The Secret

Before I start with my story I want to say how grateful I am for everyone who shared their story here because they are really motivating!! I am also grateful to Rhonda Byrne and her team for teaching me so much.
I read a lot about the Law of Attraction. It is hard sometimes and I struggle a lot with doubt, but I also have successfully attracted a lot of positivity in my life like relationships, and good grades at university.
Today I learned something really important!
It was a hot summer day and my older sister, her daughter and I decided to go to the lake to spend the day at the water. While we were eating ice cream a wasp appeared. That reminded me of the few times a wasp stung me and I instantly felt the fear. I complained about how often they would sting me and told them all my stories about that.
Later I went home and didn’t think about it anymore but when I was sitting in my garden that evening, suddenly I felt a pain in my leg.
A wasp stung me! It was under my skirt and stung me four times on my legs.
And all I could think of was that I was just talking about that a few hours ago and then I realized it!
What you think of, you attract into your life. Of course!
If you talk about something, complaining, you attract exactly that! I have learned a lot through my positive experiences with the Law of Attraction, but this really helped me understand. From now on I have to work on watching what I talk about in my daily life. Start to listen to myself, when I talk to others but also when I “talk” to myself, like that entire negative self talk.
Still I am grateful for this happening, because out of something negative, nothing dramatic, thank god, I got a greater understanding of the Law of Attraction. We should reflect more on our experiences, the positive and negative ones and think about how we created them. That will help to stop repeating our mistakes and bad thinking patterns.
I definitely have learned my lesson, maybe not in the most comfortable way, but you never know how life teaches you, but these lessons you’ll never forget.

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