Wednesday 27 January 2016

Most Magnificent Outcome!

Republished from The Secret

Hello to all, just thought I should share my story. Hopefully it inspires some of you!
I am a university student studying with an open university and working on the side to pay my tuition. Last year August I resigned from my job where I had been working since the beginning of that same year. I had been teaching at a private school but the job was really stressful. Often we had long meetings where the staff was verbally attacked by the directors of the school. The directors seemed to like me and were always polite with me but the negativity of the environment rubbed me the wrong way. I tried hard to be positive in the circumstances and give gratitude, but everyone I worked with was always complaining and this slowly began to affect me. I remember once seeing a grown woman I worked with cry bitterly because she had been insulted by the directors, over an incident that had occurred where anybody in their right mind would have acknowledged the circumstance was out of her control . My co workers worked in constant fear.
At this time I had been exposed to the film The Secret and had began practicing The Magic. In a bid to maintain positive energy, I decided to quit my job. At the time I had no idea how I would get income and I had college fees that needed to be paid. I quit my job in August and for the two months that followed I began imagining myself in another job.
I would sit silently and see myself in a great working environment. I had wanted to work in the customer service industry for awhile so I would see myself answering phones and helping clients. In the same period I spent time imagining my other goals which included travelling.
In October of the same year I received a magical phone call that was to change my story. Long story short before the end of October I had traveled to the central Kalahari in Botswana for free and visited all the grand national parks of Botswana for free!! By December of the same year I had traveled to South Africa for free, in the same month I traveled to Namibia, you guessed it for free!!
In Namibia I got to start working as a consultant and yes I was all the time on the telephone with clients as I had imagined. The working environment was not only better but the job pays more than two times my previous job. I have nothing more to say besides, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Much gratitude to all those who worked to ensure the mysteries of the LOA were availed to me.

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