Sunday 15 November 2015

How I Turned Into A Goddess.

Republished from The Secret
So when I was in High School I thought I was an ogre. I really did. I even received feedback all the time.
I had scoliosis, big “unfashionable” glasses, dried, puffy hair, pimples, overweight, oversized clothes, horrible voice. Oh well, the list goes on. All the guys that I liked obviously didn’t like me back. I would see the popular girls and I felt so unhappy with myself. I even felt everyone had pity for me!
When I got introduced to The Secret I began to change my whole perspective on things. I only thought I was a Victoria Secret’s model, I made myself believe I was ridiculously beautiful and healthy. I began to think myself as Venus even if it was so silly, but I didn’t care!
And it was a miracle!
I don’t know how it happened. At first I thought it was a coincidence or something, but no! I began to understand the whole logic and intelligence and perfection of the law of attraction, and It’s so magnificent and precise!
My body turned into a super model’s, so lean, beautiful and perfect. My acne disappeared, my bushy eyebrows turned aesthetic, my lips got fuller, I grew taller and walked with great posture, my hair got thick, full and extremely healthy, my face looks like Adriana Lima’s, people turn heads for me!! I can basically say I am a goddess!! I even found an extremely attractive man from Europe which I will marry soon!!!
Thank you universe, thank you magnificent law of attraction! This is the best thing that has happened in my life!

1 comment:

  1. Great and unbelievable. but true...thanks for sharing your story...
