Thursday 22 September 2016

Gratitude Creates A Life You Want!

Republished from The Secret

Hello everyone!
First of all I would love to thank Rhonda Bryne and the team for spreading The Secret! Thank you very much!
Now for my long story in short. I was facing a lot of family problems since my childhood and each day of my life till now I had rarely seen peace in my home. Also, I was good student but I used to get depressed during exams. Right now I am in Engineering and I had suddenly started failing!
Then I was introduced to The Secret 1 month ago! I can not express it but I realized a lot of things in my mind. I started practicing The Secret by watching the movie several times and reading the stories from all of you  good people!
Now I like my exams and they have become an easy thing for me as compared to my previous exams. I get good marks now. I do not get depressed any more at all, my family problems have also been reduced a lot. So, it is was the Universe and the stars that changed everything according to my wishes! So now I just live with positivity and am always thankful for each and every single thing I have before asking for something new! Soon you will be reading my next magical events happening in my life!
So, thank you Universe, thank you Rhonda and team and most important the people who share their stories and are supplying positivity to me! Thank you! Thank you everyone! Love you all! I always go outside alone at night and talk with the stars and Universe! They listen to us!

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