Tuesday 30 August 2016

Always Have Faith In The Universe!

Republished from The Secret

It starts from 2012, I was in 9th Class when I got introduced to The Secret by my parents. Back then I was a mediocre student getting average scores no matter how hard I would try. As usual I scored average in the mid-terms of 9th class after which I was sitting alone in my room when my parents entered and told me to never lose faith in the universe. They handed The Secret to me and told me to read it. I felt amazed when I started reading the book and some how from inside I knew that this was what I had been looking for in my life.
From then on I started trying to be positive and using for what The Secret had provided me with. I started to be more and more positive in my life, seeing the bright side of every situation and being grateful for every small thing around me, starting and ending every day with lots of gratitude. Slowly I could feel so much love, positivity and energy around me, my friends changed and my attitude towards life changed. I became more of an achiever as time passed. It was reflected right in the final exams of the 9th class where I was on the list of top scorers. Also I topped the 10th class with very good grades.
A new challenge was ahead of me after the 10th class. I wanted to be in the top university of the country and for that I had to be in the top 0.1% of the country in the joint entrance examination. I started my journey with lots of gratitude. I had a bunch of mountains to climb, living away from home for the first time. Also I was diagnosed with second stage pneumonia during that time and lost a month’s worth of study time. I completely lost my confidence after scoring low on three consecutive exams. I read The Secret again and went firing full cylinders with gratitude and positivity. Because of that I was pretty confident while giving my final exam and at the end when my results came, I secured a seat in my dream place in the first round itself, a chance to study in the country’s top most university.
Later, new challenges came, but now after the experiences of the past, I never lost faith in the universe when I didn’t get what I wanted. I always saw the brighter side and continued doing more gratitude for all the blessings I had in my life. Whenever I got even a bit of negativity, I practised more and more gratitude, and in the end I have always received what has been best for me. For my internship programme, after being rejected from 3-4 universities, I always kept the positivity in me and continued with lots of gratitude every day. Lately I got internship offers from three different places, all in a single day, and all three of them were even better than the places I was rejected from.
Universe always give us what is best for us, in most cases we may not be able to see it in our current circumstances, but always have utmost faith in the universe and be grateful and positive always for everything you have and for everything you want, because in the end that’s what matters!
Thank you Rhonda Byrne for the Law of Attraction. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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