Sunday 14 August 2016

It’s A Miracle! My Mom Can See!!

Republished from The Secret

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am overwhelmingly grateful to Rhonda Byrnes, The Secret team, and the many wonderfully amazing people that have posted their stories here on this site. During one of the most difficult times in my life, I would come here daily and get solace, knowing that God/the universe/source energy was working in other peoples’ lives. It really gave me the confidence to have faith and believe so strongly in the reality I wanted while facing the reality I was living.
In the summer of 2014, many amazing things happened, I began questioning how has all of this been possible. The next week after asking that question I attracted The Secret into my life while flipping through my Netflix. I couldn’t believe what I was learning. I watched The Secret nearly every day and recruited my mom to watch it with me so that she too could learn of this amazing power. What I didn’t know, was that a major problem was right around the corner and the universe was preparing us to conquer it before we even knew it was coming.
Late that year, my mom started having trouble driving at night. She said, she just couldn’t see and everything would get dark. So naturally, she went to get new glasses, but things got worse. By the new year, 2015, she couldn’t see the computer and paperwork while working, my mom is an accountant, so she makes her living with reading and relying on her ability to see. March we went in for her doctor’s appointment, they said that her situation was chronic and that she was probably not going to have sight. They just didn’t know if they could help, but thankfully her doctor said she would do the surgery even though she could guarantee no improvement. We prayed about it and decided to go ahead with the surgery. By this time, I had a great understanding of how gratitude works, so instead of being afraid while my mom was in having her surgery, I wrote in my gratitude journal. I thanked God for a successful outcome and for all of the lessons we were to gain from the situation. I made a decision in my mind that my mom would see again. Period. My mom had the exact same mindset.
After her surgery, my mom was in complete darkness. At 28, every responsibility was on me. I had to listen to my spirit on how to care for her, I would meditate or just wake up in the morning and have answers, I would just know what to do next. I began feeding her lots of dark leafy green salads with the natural vitamins great for eyesight and for healing. I also had to continue working, I had to take on my mom’s clients because they still needed their work done, I had to take care of everything including our poor dog who was so patient with me. Every Monday we would go to the doctors office 60 miles away and they would say we just have to keep waiting to see what your body is going to do. But no matter what both my mom and I believe that she was going to see better than she did before the problem. I no longer saw my mom as someone who couldn’t see. I chose to see her with sight. At night and when ever my mind would wonder, I would visualize her driving again and me sitting confidently in the passenger seat because I knew she could see again.
My mom was in a cloud of white fog for four months, a natural part of the healing process according to the doctor. But the doctor anticipated the fog to last for only 3-6 weeks. We kept believing in what we wanted. We were so confident she would be able to see crystal clear. I had even planned a trip with my friends to Brazil. I knew my mom relied on me for nearly her every need, but I believed she would be healed by the time I got on the plane leaving the country.
Sure enough, the white fog began to dissipate and she began taking walks around the block alone. The best part is, the Friday before I was leaving she was able to see crystal clear. Crystal clear!!! She drove herself to work and later that day she drove around town with me sitting in the passenger seat just as I had visualized. I am still so amazingly grateful! She is doing so well, thriving, and seeing everything.
I wanted to share this story, because when I was going through this scary time I read a particular story on The website about a young woman in a similar situation with her father and his health. I thought about it many days and took on the same thought process she chose to have during the situation. I hope my mom’s miracle story helps someone else, as so many of these stories have helped me and my family. Choose to see it as you want it to be and just believe!

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