Saturday 20 August 2016


Republished from The Secret

Around 2011 I was working part time in a dead end job still staying with my parents with no vision or aspirations in life. I spent a lot of mornings worrying about how my life will turn out and often felt lost and always waiting for something to happen.
That very same year my brother introduced to me a book. A book which he read and said great things would come of it. The book was called “The Secret”. I remember how my brother was so excited, more than usual. When I started reading The Secret I had nothing, no car, a dead end job, staying with my parents, no relationship and sometimes, no hope. How things changed quickly after this.
After reading the book, I decided to live my life differently, planning days, weeks and months in advance for how I wished them to pan out. I wrote a list to test it out. The list was for me, at the time, way out there. I had planned to drive a red Volkswagen Golf , meet a girl with red hair, move out of mum and dad’s, get new job and earn 30k in one year.
Within 1 year I had received all of these goals. The first was the red Volkswagen. My friend owned a car garage and would often get trade ins. One day he turned up to my house and said I have a car that you might like and for a decent price. There she was, red in color and a Volkswagen Golf. At first I forgot that I had asked specifically for a red Volkswagen Golf until I looked at my wish list which I kept in my room.
Weeks later I receive a random Facebook request from a girl called Gemma and believe it or not she had dyed red hair at the time. We got talking and one thing lead to another and after 6 months I decided to move in. During the six months I applied for a sales job and got it. My job was to speak to people and I loved it and ended up becoming top salesman in Britain for the month. I met a lot of really nice people in this job and was extremely privileged to have worked there.
After the first year I looked back on what I had achieved and it was remarkable. I got everything I asked for and more, and all within a year. And to top it off, I had made 33k that year.
Afterwards I decided to up the ante and made another list. I wanted to own my own house, join the police, have a baby and get married.
Although I moved to another house and applied to become a cop it did not happen and for a while I thought it had all been too good to be true. I ended up limiting myself to what I could do and achieve. However, I dug myself out this negative hole that I fell in and worked hard day and night. I planned and visualized every day. Thinking what it would feel like to have my own house and what it would be like to be a police officer.
In 2015 I became a father for the first time. Shortly after I got into the police and passed my exams and stood on the parade square with the sky now the limit. Later that year I got married and bought my first house in the same month.
When at police college I wrote a list which consisted of passing exams, getting stationed locally and receiving an award for something.
On 13th of October 2015 I achieved that goal. I was sent to a job where a male had been sitting over a busy motorway at rush hour on a footbridge with the intentions of jumping. Officers tried talking the man out of it but he refused to engage. The man then made an attempt to jump and before he could fully fall I ran and caught him and pulled him off the ledge and saved his life. I got an award for this and since that day I met the man only once. He was with his two kids, playing with them happily at the park. He instantly ran over and hugged me saying thanks. That feeling right there was the single best feeling ever.
I’m 26 years old and I have achieved all my life goals in 5 years. I have everything I have ever wanted. I no longer have a list because I don’t need anything more.
I hope reading this brings hope and smiles just as it has me. There is no such thing as negative thoughts or feelings. Only a lack of positive ones.

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