Saturday 27 August 2016

Can A Thank You Change Your Life?

Republished from The Secret

When I got into the 9th grade, one of my uncle’s gifted me a certain book he’d just read. Being a bookworm, I accepted it cheerfully, but little did I know that my life was going to change drastically. It was, as you might have guessed, The Secret. I fell in love with the law of attraction and started using it for small stuff and big alike.
Over the next 3 years, I read the rest of the books in the series as well, and tried to incorporate all the teachings in my daily routines.
The results? I lost a huge amount of weight, I got fitter, my self confidence was boosted, thankfully, I went through the teen years without troubling my parents much, I hope. I got awesome grades in my 10th grade examinations which is kind of a big thing here in India. And, in 11th, met one of the best people I could ever have met in my life and fell head over heels in love! I also got amazing friends and I got a sense of direction for my career.
At this moment, I could say I am the happiest I have been to date. Now, when I look back to 9th grade, if you’d have told me I’d be this mature and happy after 12th, I would have laughed in your face. And all of his happened because I used The Secret and gratitude. Gratitude, I felt, as Rhonda Byrne very rightly wrote, is a very fun thing to use. It sets you apart from people who behave in the same stereotypical way and get caught up in bad things in life, and it gives us incredible joy. Every single time I feel that a person has gone out of his way to help me, I say thank you to him, and the smile on their face is worth any treasure on this planet.
I am deeply thankful to Rhonda Byrne for sharing with the whole world, The Secret of the Law of Attraction, so that we can live life to the fullest too!!
Thank you so very much Rhonda!!!

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