Monday 31 October 2016

Never Lose Faith In What You Desire

Republished from The Secret

2013 was the most challenging year in my life, I lost my love and I had a not so good workplace. I was so depressed and I did not know how to keep myself together. I felt I was so alone. I tried to read books hoping that it would lessen my depression. Sometimes it helped but there were times I would find myself crying, pitying myself as if I had the worst problems in the world.
One day as I was browsing in Youtube searching topics like “staying positive” and some topics showed. I watched them until one topic made me curious about the law of attraction and The Secret. I watched the film then it made me think. How can that be? I wanted to apply it myself. I searched the internet for more about The Secret. I bought and downloaded the 4 books The Secret, The Power, The Magic and Hero. I read the books one by one and tried to apply them to myself. I practiced gratitude, being thankful of everything and practiced also attracting things that I wanted.
There was this one hospital that I really wanted to work in. I told myself I want to work in that hospital. In 2014 I ended my contract in my not so good workplace and then I applied to every hospital that was hiring but none of those hospitals hired me. There was no hiring in the hospital where I wanted to work. I had lost some hope but still I had a vision of myself working in my dream hospital.
For 6 months I waited for their hiring. I made a vision board in my smartphone with a picture of my dream hospital and wrote the amount of the salary I wanted to receive, 6,000 sar.
March 18, 2015 there was a hiring in my dream hospital. I was nervous thinking I might not get hired but the interview went well.
Then the interviewer told me I was hired and when I signed the job offer I was so amazed at the salary because it was 6,267 sar! I was so happy. I could not hide my smile while I was signing my job offer.
Also in that same year I found someone who made me love again!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to God and universe. I am still applying the law of attraction and being thankful of everything and it still works. Just have faith and it will all be given to you.

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