Friday 29 July 2016

Disappointment Turns Into Success!

Republished from The Secret

It’s a bad day, not a bad life and I bet that we make our days to be bad or good. Believe it or not, The Secret works!
I was only 17 years old when my aunt gave me that book. I was wondering, what is it for? She said, read the book first, then watch the documentary. I was always a positive person but during that period in my life I was frustrated by lots of things that surrounded me. My mom got fired, my sister had some mental problems and all that affected to me. I was drowning every day, deeper and deeper. I was just a kid, how would I know how to manage all that stuff?
Then I watched the documentary and read the book. After 5 minutes I sat down and started thinking. I controlled my thoughts every day and every night. My best practice was writing down on paper the things that I wanted to have or to change.
And it was a miracle! 100 % of my problems disappeared!!
I am so thankful and grateful for this book because I discovered an answer so early and I’m glad I did! If you can imagine in your mind, then you can have it in your hands, remember that!!!!

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