Monday 11 July 2016

Dream Home At 24!

Republished from The Secret

“Be positive, work hard, always be happy and thankful for what you’ve got!” These are some expressions I would hear very often as I grew up! While my parents showed us the right path, we didn’t know the little details mentioned in The Secret book series and the documentary about how to apply the Law of Attraction and the power of our thoughts. I can not thank Rhonda and The Secret team enough as they have changed so many lives.
I have a very beautiful vision wall with photos of whatever I want! The best part about it is, I never take off a picture of when I get it, so now it is a mix of a gratitude list and wish list that reminds me of the power of The Secret and that I have so many things to be thankful for!
Talking about one of my biggest dreams; I must have been about 12 years old when I started dreaming of having my own house built with the money I made when I grew up.
As I started working, my paycheck didn’t match the amount required at all. While I knew it was possible, somewhere deep inside, I thought it was far away! I keep watching the documentary over and over again, especially when I was having a tough time! I believed in The Secret and could easily manifest smaller goals.
But, you know why I had not gotten that home yet?
It was because I thought that it would take some time and the universe just aligned itself with that thought!
The day I realized this I put dates on all my photos that I had up on my vision board. The dream home had my 25th Birthday on it!
Things changed so fast and fell perfectly in place and I got my home 8 months before my 25th Birthday, so I got it early!
Feel free to bring home 100 new desires every day and they shall manifest before you can catch your breath! One of my favourite things to do is to to hear what different people dream of and discuss what’s on their list right now, if you’d like, write to me and I will be more than happy to connect with all you beautiful people out there!

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