Thursday 14 July 2016

The Power Of Love.

Republished from The Secret

Both me and my wife were in a financial crisis after opening our restaurant and buying it out from our partners. Both of us were growing increasingly frustrated and quite frankly, scared of how we would manage to repay the thousands of dollars that we borrowed. This continued for almost 3 months and a time came when the two of us, after not seeing much happening, broke down and literally asked for that one moment of divine intervention.
Just then as I was discussing this with my mom in India, she told me that she is reading this book called The Secret and it has completely transformed the way she looks at things now. Initially being skeptical, I only thought that this would be nothing more than just a feel good book that takes your thoughts away from the grim realities of life. In that same time frame we had very high hopes for an event that was supposed to bring us a lot of money, allowing us to pay off our outstanding bills, breathe a sigh of relief and work towards prosperity. However this event didn’t turn out to be like that and we incurred even more losses and heavier bills to pay.
At that time something happened and me and my wife started watching The Secret DVD. Slowly the immensity of being a human being and understanding the universe caught up with both of us. Just the sheer positivity and optimism of every speaker and their experiences almost jolted us with a sense of immense gratitude, something which we had lost somewhere. We just realized in spite of all the bills and debts, we are living our dream of being entrepreneurs and making a small contribution to the universe. But how could we make it big when we somehow forgot how grateful we are for all these opportunities we have received.
Slowly me and my wife started reflecting within our inner selves. Stories, incidents and circumstances emerged that happened when both of us were grateful for everything that was offered to us. Since then every single day we talk about love, gratitude, giving and prosperity. This is the happiest we have been in the longest time and we know that this will further unlock many doors that are invisible currently.
Once again our deepest gratitude to every one involved and our abundant love to this magical canvas called the universe.

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