Wednesday 6 July 2016

Master Switchwords for Creating Wealth

Republished from MindPowerNews

What is a "discount?"
When an amount of money is decreased.
What's the opposite of a discount,
when an amount of money is increased?
"count," of course.
In a word, the essence of all moneymaking is COUNT. Whenever any individual or company makes money, at some point in the process, a COUNTing happens: COUNTing of hours worked and/or products sold, and the amount of money received in exchange. Banks store money in acCOUNTs; financial record-keepers are acCOUNTants; retail shops have check-out COUNTers where customers give money for their purchases.
Declare this essence of money-making, COUNT, either once as a switch or repeated as a chant (silently or aloud), and inevitably you will soon be watching yourself make money.
"Recently, I had a shortage of cash flow, for various reasons; an interruption that was beginning to get uncomfortable. I used COUNT consciously for about a week; and last week, we received a $19,700 USD offer to settle a dispute out of the blue. This issue was going on for YEARS, and had much emotional attachment as it involved people very close to us. We had no expectation that it would appear when it did. But it did.” --Sandra Fieger, St. Vincent, Caribbean,
A good way to get acquainted with the switchword COUNT is to silently repeat it throughout your activities for an entire day, and watch what happens ... something will! This can be fun, since COUNT is unspecific and the results are often surprising.
When I declare or chant COUNT silently or aloud, often I will soon see and pick up a coin on a street or sidewalk...even a small coin qualifies as a COUNT! (It’s also an indicator for me that COUNT is working.) When I then persist in affirming, declaring, and/or chanting COUNT, substantial income always happens. For example, I have gotten new jobs, started new profitable businesses and careers, made thousands in the stock market, observed sudden increases in business activity and income, received large financial gifts and donations from relatives and friends, written and sold many books, received royalties for commercial use of my photographs, played music and received tips and fees, and many more.
Basically you could just silently chant COUNT often until all your financial goals have manifested in physical reality!
"I repeated the word COUNT and within 48 hours I had generated $800 with my business that had been looking at some very dark days of lacking." --Jan Sydnam, Texas, USA
That is one way to use COUNT -- just affirm or chant it often silently and/or aloud, and watch what happens.
The other way is to specify a financial goal and apply COUNT to it. For example, if you want to earn or receive 10,000 Euros, affirm or declare often "10,000 Euros COUNT" until it is a physical reality in your life.
Building a Fortune with Switchwords
Using the switchword COUNT, you make money through measuring (COUNTing) the exchange of goods or services. Another closely related switchword, FIND"to build a fortune," is about accumulation rather than measurement. Chant or declare FIND silently or aloud, and watch yourself FINDvaluable things! You definitely can FIND money, but you may also FIND many other things of value (which may or may not be convertible to money). For financial increase, experiment with both COUNT and FIND.
"Money occurs to poor people as something you have (or don’t have).
Money occurs to middle-class people as something you do (like a job).
Money occurs to wealthy people as something you ARE."
(paraphrased from Werner Erhard in The est Training, 1973)
Money does not exist in Nature on its own, like a bird, tree, or rock; it is entirely an invention of human thought, to facilitate the exchange of goods and services among people in an orderly, convenient, and balanced way. As such, the way money shows up in your life is highly influenced by your thoughts. 
However, since money is a social phenomenon, it also necessarily always exists in the physical universe in some form (paper, plastic, metals, or tiny electromagnetic impulses in a computer). 
Therefore, to deliberately create financial income, four basic elements are always necessary: 1) deliberate creative thought, 2) interaction with other people, 3) moving things around in the physical universe, and 4) time. Switchwords can facilitate your mastery of all of these elements.

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